Wake Your Sleeping Dragon

Online Women’s Circle of 8

Do you feel lacking in one or several areas of your life?  Not enough money? Not healthy enough? Not enough energy? Not enough time? Not enough friendship or love? A general deep sense of not being enough in your very self?

What if the story of lack was a LIE? A false hood that we’ve learned to cloak ourselves with?

What if the antidote to not having enough of anything was contained inside of you?  What if you found out that you already are and already have the abundance of the universe coursing through you in the form of LIFE FORCE ENERGY? 

It’s a matter of remembering this. Re-learning this. Harnessing the power of your heart energy.  CALMING, BALANCING, and ACTIVATING your nervous system in order to access this profound knowledge.  Powering up your internal system of intuition, your connection with the divine universal energy field, and allowing life force energy to flow freely through you, stoking the ancient fire that contains all things concentrated into one thing, one person: YOU!

Yes, we all have everything that we need to thrive in all areas of our lives at our disposal each and every moment. 

We mistakenly think that we need to look outside of ourselves to gurus, teachers, spiritual leaders, doctors, family, or friends in order to be whole, to heal, to level up financially, or to receive love.

It’s one of the greatest lies of human existence!  Designed to keep us feeling small, struggling, powerless, and stuck.  What good does that do?  Why on earth would we sign up to be in a perpetual state of lack rather than the creative, energized, powerhouses that we are designed to be?

Let’s change that.  Let’s come together to wake up the dragon energy that is sound asleep deep within.

The dragon represents POWER, WISDOM, and TRANSFORMATION. 

I am calling on you if you are a woman who is sick of feeling the lack, just KNOWS there’s more available to you to experience, and who is ready to jump into a deep exploration and a big unfolding of YOU 2.0.

I am calling to you if you would like to amplify your energy and power and feel the support and community that coming together with a group of like-minded women provides.

By joining together with intention and willingness to regulate ourselves, activate our nervous systems’ energy centers, and to open and harness the powerful energy that we hold in our hearts and minds, we can reverse the heartbreaking tendency of feeling not enough and step into more and more of what we think we need or want, but which we actually are already holding within ourselves.

We are light beings.  When you look into the light, do you see something lacking or do you see a beautiful positive expansive soul?  Come join me to more effectively embody the light and infuse it into the life around you.

April 7th – May 12th


4:30pm Pacific/5:30 pm Mountain/6:30 pm Central/7:30pm Eastern

for 90 minutes

Beta run pricing this first time only!  $297

Course size will be capped at 8-10 participants for maximum effect


  • Tools to regulate the stress vs. calm balance in your nervous system. 

  • Practices to activate your nervous system immediately and anytime for more energy and mental openness

  • Direct access to your higher wisdom through neuro-integration.

  • Real time experience of feeling and utilizing the energy collated from being in a collective of like-minded women.

  • Insight into your higher purpose in this lifetime.  

  • Imagery/visualization/energy/vibrational frequency that you can use to heal your body, mind, and spirit.

  • Time and space to be present with yourself, your vision, your blockages, and your ability to make changes

  • Perspective on your inner strength and power

  • Experience of life force energy moving through your body and energy field

  • Connection with your higher Self, your divine essence, and your LIGHT

  • and so much more!

No Risk Money Back Guarantee – I will do my utmost to make this a valuable and memorable experience for you. If, however, after completing this course, you feel that you did not receive the value of what you paid, I will refund 100% of the course fee back to you. If you have questions about whether this course would be good for you or not, please contact me before registering to discuss your concerns.  My intention is to gather a group of women who are attracted to doing self-exploration within a group setting.  If you prefer to work one-on-one, I also offer that option.  Please contact me for details.

NOTE: The “work” of upgrading your nervous system and utilizing higher conscious energy to advance yourself in this lifetime and beyond is longterm.  You have to start some time and somewhere.  It takes willingness and commitment and daily intention.  However once you start integrating the work, it becomes more and more “just who you are” and begins to feel second nature.

I find that being exposed to these universal concepts of human potential, power, and consciousness through a variety of teachers and channels helps to consolidate them into truths that I not only can remember, but also can EMBODY.  Coming together in community with similarly resonating individuals, being humble to learn and expand your understanding, and being vulnerable to share your experience and insights can be immensely helpful both to yourself and others and invaluably insightful for your own journey.


My base training is as a naturopathic doctor. I have an active private telemedicine practice for residents of Oregon.  My love of nature and interest in natural rhythms, spiritual light work, and the evolution of human consciousness has inspired me to broaden the scope of my work.  I now create opportunities for groups and individuals to receive the pleasure of knowing and growing their own inner light.

I am also trained in the ALIGN™ System through Positive Evolution Consulting. The ALIGN™ System provides a transformative approach to leadership by integrating neuro-energetic techniques that align higher conscious awareness with communication, authenticity, empowerment, energy, and grounded purpose.  This system empowers leaders to break through barriers, cultivate authentic connections, and foster meaningful growth. This system is designed to unlock your full potential, making it easier to move through obstacles and to align within yourself for greater clarity, purpose, and momentum.